
From Self-Cognition To Social Psychology

We all know that Social Networking concentrates on building the relationships among people. Individuals are unique as well as alike, and we do have our human nature. To identify who we are and what we are, we sometimes actually do the self-cognition unconsciously. In the meantime, the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors may vary from person to person differently, and these differences can be influenced by the actual, imagined or implied presence of others. Social Psychology is exactly studying how and why case like this.

When it comes to self-cognition, it contains many aspects. For instance, when we are aware of ourselves as an object, we are at the state of self-awareness. Besides, we look ourselves at different ways which includes the private self, such as thoughts and feelings, and public self about our own public image. Self-cognition is a self-improvement process, it can make you find out the question like “What am I like” and your social/personal identity. When we put self-cognition into society or social network, it connects to the social group tightly. Self-presentation is just the way that we show ourselves in front of others and we usually have our own strategic motives in different situations.

Interaction between person and person is the fundamental process of social networking. Except from the self-cognition, we also consider the fact that we are in the society and we are influenced by each other to some degree. Observation, Imitation and Modeling are the three basic forms of learning socially. Our behavior or performance can be affected by the environment, especially from the modeling, just like the Bandura’s Bobo Doll Experiment. The social psychology can typically explain how these human behaviors become.

Social Psychology is a scientific study with large scale extent. We then focus and constrain it as the efficacy part, it might be good for us to know social psychology clearly. People may have greater efficacy when they work in group than working alone. Try to image that you are doing a project on your own and basically you will feel fear about the failure, which generates negative attitude. But as a group to do the project, you may feel quite good about the company from your group mates and focus on the goal as well as not to drag your group down, which generates the positive attitude. In some degree, working as a group can activate more responsibility and persistence, which actually affects one’s choice of activities and effort.

In Social Networking, we can’t ignore the individuals’ self-cognition and social psychology because both of them are the element of the interaction. Only by knowing these factors better can we explore Social Networking deeper and know the attribution of social behavior more comprehensively.

2 条评论:

  1. This blog introduce the basic knowledge of Social Psychology. And I am also very interested in this field. Human beings are social animals, and we observe, imitate and Model from each other anytime. I think Social Psychology is very helpful to SNA. e.g., we can analyse why people are enthusiastic about updating the status or self-portraits. Just as you say, Only by knowing these factors better can we explore Social Networking deeper and know the attribution of social behavior more comprehensively.

  2. Just as this blog said, self-cognition and social psychology is very important for us to understand human behavior in social networks. Before I take this course, I have no idea what’s the relationship between social network and psychology. Now, I become aware that if we want to analyze the social network, we should not just focus on the data. Only when we understand why human doing so can we better analyze the data and get more accurate results.
